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    DexLeChem GmbH

    DexLeChem GmbH is a pioneer of green chemistry, developing sustainable chemical processes for the pharmaceutical industry. With a strong focus on innovation, environmental friendliness, and digital technologies, the company sets standards for a sustainable future in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry.

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    DexLeChem: Pioneer of Green Chemistry

    DexLeChem, founded in 2013 as a spin-off of the German excellence cluster UniCat "Unifying Concepts in Catalysis", is a leader in the development of sustainable chemical processes. The company is dedicated to the mission of revolutionizing the chemical-pharmaceutical industry through innovative, environmentally friendly solutions.

    Key Products and Services

    DexLeChem focuses on the development, optimization, and scaling of chemical and biotechnological processes specifically designed for the industrial production of fine chemicals for the pharmaceutical industry. Their services include the creation of more efficient and cost-effective manufacturing processes enabled by the use of green chemistry and digital technologies[1][3].

    Main Mission and Values

    The company is deeply rooted in the principles of green chemistry established by Prof. John Warner, the founding father of green chemistry. DexLeChem is committed to the use of renewable resources and the minimization of the ecological footprint. The company's mission is to create a sustainable chemical-pharmaceutical industry while supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)[1].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    DexLeChem is strongly committed to promoting sustainable developments and actively contributes to achieving SDGs 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, and 15. The company also supports the EU Green Deal Agenda by developing solutions for the greatest societal and environmental challenges of our time. By integrating data sciences and digital skills into their processes, DexLeChem also promotes the digital education of chemists and chemical engineers[1][5].

    Collaboration and Network

    DexLeChem works closely with a broad global network in Europe, the USA, Japan, and South Korea to identify the best partners for each challenge. This collaborative approach allows the company to access the knowledge and expertise of many partners, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of its clients[1].

    DexLeChem is a shining example of how innovation, sustainability, and collaboration can come together to create a better future for the chemical-pharmaceutical industry. With their "whatever works" philosophy and strong commitment to green chemistry, the company sets standards in the industry and inspires others to follow the same path.
