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    Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk

    from Berlin

    The Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW) promotes the exchange and cooperation of young people between Germany and France. It offers programs in education, culture, and the environment to strengthen intercultural learning and civic engagement.

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    Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW)

    The Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW), also known as Office franco-allemand pour la Jeunesse (OFAJ), is an independent international organization dedicated to promoting relations between young people in Germany and France.

    History and Foundation

    The DFJW was founded on January 22, 1963, as part of the Élysée Treaty, initiated by Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer. This intergovernmental agreement laid the foundation for the establishment of an organization aimed at strengthening the ties between the youth of both countries and deepening mutual understanding[1][2][3].

    Mission and Values

    The main mission of the DFJW is to promote youth exchange and projects between Germany and France. This includes school and student exchanges, partnerships between cities and regions, encounters in the fields of sports, culture, theater, music, or environmental protection, as well as language courses and internships in vocational education. The DFJW aims to promote intercultural learning, spark curiosity about the partner language, strengthen civic engagement, and enable participation in mobility programs for all young people[1][2][3].

    Key Products and Services

    • Youth Exchange: Promotion of school and student exchange programs.
    • Partnerships: Support for partnerships between cities and regions.
    • Cultural Encounters: Organization of encounters in the fields of sports, culture, theater, music, and environmental protection.
    • Language and Vocational Education: Offering language courses and internships in vocational education.
    • Scholarships and Research: Promotion of specialized seminars and research projects.
    • Trilateral Encounters: Promotion of encounters with young people from Central and Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe, and the Mediterranean region[1][2][3].

    Organization and Structure

    The DFJW is led by a Board of Directors, supported by an Advisory Board. The Board is co-chaired by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and the French Minister for Sports, Youth and Community Life. The General Secretariat, consisting of a Franco-German tandem, is the executive body of the Board. The organization has offices in Paris, Berlin, and a branch in Saarbrücken[1][2][3].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The DFJW strives for climate neutrality and environmental protection in Franco-German youth exchange to safeguard the rights of future generations. It promotes projects aimed at sustainability and environmental awareness and advocates for a collaborative approach that considers educational quality, interculturality, and environmental protection[4].

    Current Activities and Achievements

    Since its founding, the DFJW has enabled nearly 10 million young people to participate in around 400,000 mobility programs. Annually, it promotes about 8,000 encounters, including group and individual exchanges. The DFJW works closely with numerous partners and supports them with financial, educational, and linguistic issues related to exchange[2][3].

    The Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk is thus a central element in promoting Franco-German relations and plays an important role in the field of intercultural learning and youth mobility.
