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    Caritasverband Region Mönchengladbach e.V.

    from Mönchengladbach

    The Caritasverband Region Mönchengladbach e.V. supports people in need through social counseling, care, integration, and family assistance. With a strong focus on CHARITY and JUSTICE, the organization is committed to sustainable social change and volunteer engagement.

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    Caritasverband Region Mönchengladbach e.V.

    The Caritasverband Region Mönchengladbach e.V. is a central component of the Catholic Caritas in Germany and serves as an recognized institutional summary and representation of Caritas in Mönchengladbach. As a registered association, the organization is committed to various social areas to support people in need.

    Main Mission and Values

    The main mission of the Caritasverband is to help and support people in difficult life situations. The organization is based on Christian values such as charity, solidarity, and justice. It advocates for the strengthening of the welfare state to provide early assistance in life risks and to prevent a downward spiral.

    Key Products and Services

    The Caritasverband offers a variety of services, including:

    • Social Counseling: Support for social problems and challenges.
    • Care and Support: Outpatient and inpatient care services for people in various life situations.
    • Integration and Migration: Support for migrants and refugees in integrating into society.
    • Youth and Family Assistance: Services to support children, adolescents, and families.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The Caritasverband is committed to sustainable social change. It promotes initiatives for poverty reduction, strengthening social justice, and integrating people with a migration background. Additionally, the organization is involved in disaster relief and advocates for international solidarity.

    Engagement and Donations

    The Caritasverband offers opportunities for fundraising and volunteer engagement. This support enables the organization to further expand its social services and effectively help people in need.

    Overall, the Caritasverband Region Mönchengladbach e.V. is an important player in the social sector, committed to improving the living conditions of many people.
