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    Bür­ger­zen­trum Neu­kölln gGmbH

    from Berlin

    The Bür­ger­zen­trum Neu­kölln gGmbH is an intergenerational meeting place that promotes social diversity. It offers recreational activities, counseling services, and integration measures for people of all backgrounds. Openness, tolerance, and community are at the heart of its mission.

    Visit website

    Bürgerzentrum Neukölln: A Center for Social Diversity and Community

    The Bürgerzentrum Neukölln, a House of Parity, is a central point of contact for people of all ages and backgrounds in the north of Neukölln. It serves as an intergenerational meeting place where young and old can become active together, meet each other, and benefit from the diverse offerings.

    Key Products and Services

    • Leisure Activities: The center offers a wide range of leisure activities, including a choir, a gardening project, handicraft groups, painting and seated gymnastics courses, skat and board games, as well as a regular dance afternoon with live music[2][5].
    • Advisory and Support Services: It houses various institutions that provide counseling and support in the areas of elderly care, youth assistance, addiction help, and intercultural counseling. These include the Intercultural Counseling and Support Center (IBBC), the Outpatient Support Center (ABZ), and the contact and counseling center for alcohol-dependent individuals[2][3][5].
    • Social Integration: The center promotes the social integration of people with disabilities, socially disadvantaged families, and individuals with a migration background through specific support and inclusion measures[3].

    Main Mission and Values

    The main mission of the Bürgerzentrum Neukölln is to create an open and social environment where people of all ages and backgrounds can come together and be supported. The values of the center are based on openness, tolerance, respect, and diversity. It advocates for a self-determined life and the improvement of the living situation of its users[1][2].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The Bürgerzentrum Neukölln is part of the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin, which is distinguished by innovative and socially innovative projects. The sustainability goals include creating price-stable space offerings for independent providers, bundling social services under one roof, and strengthening the association's presence in the districts. Through funding programs and advice on acquiring foundation funds, the long-term financing and development of the projects are ensured[1].


    The Bürgerzentrum Neukölln is a vibrant example of social engagement and community work. Through its diverse offerings and services, it contributes to improving the quality of life of its users and promotes social integration and coexistence in the community. With its values and sustainability goals, it continuously advocates for an open and social Berlin.
