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    Bündnis Bürgerenergie

    from Berlin
    Bündnis Bürgerenergie is a pioneer of the decentralized energy transition in the hands of citizens. It supports the networking of actors in the regions and publicly advocates for a culture of citizen energy. The alliance provides citizen energy actors with knowledge and qualifications so that they can actively shape the decentralized energy transition with innovative ideas. The alliance also advocates for political framework conditions that promote a decentralized citizen energy transition.
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    Bündnis Bürgerenergie e.V. - A Driving Force of the Decentralized Energy Transition

    The Bündnis Bürgerenergie e.V. (BBEn) is a non-profit association that has been committed to promoting and networking citizen energy in Germany since its founding on January 28, 2014, in Berlin. Founded by eleven initiators and founding members, including various organizations, associations, and foundations, the alliance aims to advance the decentralized energy transition and achieve a comprehensive energy supply from 100 percent renewable energies by 2030.

    Mission and Values

    The main mission of the Bündnis Bürgerenergie is to represent the interests of citizen energy and promote a regenerative, decentralized energy supply. The alliance stands for an energy supply supported by citizens, based on local and regional structures, and prioritizes climate protection, ecological responsibility, and sustainable development. It acts as a lobby organization that provides political support, competence development, and educational work to strengthen the citizen energy movement[2][3].

    Key Products and Services

    • Political Advocacy: The BBEn takes a position in political bodies, particularly towards the German Bundestag, and publishes position papers on energy economic issues.
    • Educational Work and Competence Development: Through the annual Citizen Energy Convention, webinars, and mentoring programs, the alliance promotes the exchange and qualification of citizen energy actors.
    • Promotion of Sustainable Development: The BBEn supports local and regional initiatives through non-formal and informal education as well as by strengthening communities in the energy sector[2][4].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The Bündnis Bürgerenergie is actively engaged in achieving the global sustainability goals (SDGs), particularly goal 7 "Affordable and Clean Energy for All." It is a member of the Climate Alliance Germany and advocates for the reduction of bureaucratic hurdles in the establishment of renewable energy facilities. Additionally, the alliance works on the implementation of Energy Sharing to enable citizen energy communities to consume or sell surplus electricity[1][2][3].

    Current Initiatives

    • Energy Sharing and Citizen Participation: The BBEn has submitted statements and position papers on current energy economic reforms to strengthen the interests of citizen energy.
    • Solar Package and Electricity Market Design: The alliance has successfully advocated for positive changes in the solar package and for a sustainable electricity market design.
    • International Cooperation: The BBEn is involved in EU projects such as "Communities for Climate (C4C)" to support climate initiatives in Europe[4][5].

    The Bündnis Bürgerenergie e.V. is a central platform for all those committed to a decentralized, regenerative, and citizen-oriented energy transition, and it plays an important role in promoting a sustainable and climate-friendly energy supply in Germany.
