Bundesverband Deutscher Berufsförderungswerke e.V.
We see ourselves as a point of contact for people who need to reorient themselves professionally due to a health impairment after illness or accident.
Through the permanent return to the labor market, the BFW create the foundation for the participation of people with health limitations.
We are social service providers who are reliable partners and advisors for all stakeholders in matters of professional qualification, integration, workplace design, prevention, and BGM.
The BFW open new paths for people and companies. In doing so, they contribute to the successful professional rehabilitation of individuals and thus to a thriving economy in Germany.
The range of solutions we offer for people with health limitations and companies is broad. And it remains as dynamic as the changing society.
At the same time, we are partners of companies in Germany in addressing the demographic challenges in the labor market and securing their skilled workforce.
Another focus is on collaboration and the exchange of experiences with the members of the association and the rehabilitation providers, as well as with representatives from politics, business, and associations.