Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder und Jugendschutz
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendschutz e.V. (BAJ)
editAbout the BAJ
editThe Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendschutz e.V. (BAJ) is an association founded in 1951, consisting of independent providers of youth welfare, specialist organizations, state offices, and state working groups for child and youth protection. The BAJ advocates for the rights and needs of children and young people in a non-partisan and non-denominational manner[2][5].
Key Products and Services
edit- Specialist Journal and Publications: The BAJ publishes the specialist journal "Kinder- und Jugendschutz in Wissenschaft und Praxis" quarterly, which addresses current topics and research findings in the field of child and youth protection[2].
- Dossiers and Information Materials: The BAJ publishes comprehensive dossiers on various topics such as violence against children and young people with disabilities, excessive media use, and advocacy in child and youth welfare. These materials are often available in easy-to-read language and serve to inform and raise awareness among professionals, parents, and the affected young people themselves[4].
- Websites and Online Resources: The BAJ operates several websites, including
, which provide extensive information and support for parents, educators, businesses, and event organizers[2].
Main Mission and Values
editThe main mission of the BAJ is to ensure that children and young people receive the protection, assistance, and support they need according to their age and developmental stage, to develop them into responsible individuals within the social community and to enable their participation. The BAJ advocates for the strengthening of the rights and needs of children and young people and promotes their active participation and empowerment[2][5].
Sustainability Goals and Initiatives
edit- Inclusive Child and Youth Welfare: The BAJ supports the Child and Youth Strengthening Act (KJSG), which aims to establish a more effective and inclusive child and youth welfare law. A particular focus is on raising awareness of the specific protection needs of children and young people with disabilities[4].
- Media Literacy and Prevention: The BAJ calls for greater promotion of media literacy as a preventive factor and intensification of research on internet-related disorders. This aims to help prevent the stigmatization of young people due to excessive media use and to develop effective prevention and treatment strategies[4].
- Violence Prevention and Protection: The BAJ is committed to violence prevention and the protection of children and young people from various forms of violence. This includes dossiers and workshops tailored to the specific needs of these groups[4].
The BAJ continuously works to improve the guidelines and priorities of youth welfare planning and to ensure that the needs of children and young people are adequately considered in society[2][3].
edit- 1 - https://jugendhilfeportal.de/institution/bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft-kinder-und-jugendschutz-ev
- 2 - https://www.bag-jugendschutz.de/de/Index
- 3 - https://www.service.bund.de/Content/DE/DEBehoerden/B/BAJ/Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft-Kinder-und-Jugendschutz-eV.html?nn=4641496
- 4 - https://www.bag-jugendschutz.de/de/dossiers
- 5 - https://www.bildungsserver.de/institution.html?institutionen_id=3524