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    Bund der Szenografen

    from Berlin

    The SZENOGRAFIE-BUND is a German professional association that has been promoting the interests of stage, costume, and makeup artists, as well as other scenographers, since 2023. It provides support, networking, and visibility for creative minds in the visual performing arts.

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    Bund der Szenografen (SZENOGRAFIE-BUND)

    The Bund der Szenografen, officially referred to as SZENOGRAFIE-BUND since 2023, is a German professional association dedicated to the promotion and representation of creators in the visual performing arts.

    Key Products and Services

    The association represents a wide range of professional groups, including stage, costume, and makeup designers, set and costume designers for film, television, and video, puppet designers and puppet theater set designers, as well as video artists and lighting designers for theater. The members of the association receive support through networking, experience exchange, and legal advice. Additionally, the association organizes exhibitions, publications, and symposia to publicly present the work of its members[2][5].

    Main Mission and Values

    The main mission of the SZENOGRAFIE-BUND is to promote communication and networking among its members from all federal states. The association represents the cultural, artistic, social, and profession-specific legal interests of its members and is politically engaged for the profession. The focus is on strengthening the community and promoting the artistic and professional development of its members[2][5].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The SZENOGRAFIE-BUND is connected in various national and international networks, including the International Theatre Institute (ITI), the Alliance of Free Arts, and the Council for Performing Arts and Dance of the German Cultural Council. These connections enable the association to act on a broad level and effectively represent the interests of its members. Through regular events and publications, the association contributes to the continuous professionalization and visibility of scenography in Germany[2][5].

    History and Development

    Founded on June 11, 1990, as the Deutscher Szenografenverband in Berlin (East), the association emerged from the scenography section of the Association of Visual Artists of the GDR. After reunification, the association opened up nationwide and changed its name to Bund der Szenografen in 1993. Since autumn 2021, the association has had a renewed board and has entered a phase of renewal and expansion of its activities. In 2023, the name was officially changed to SZENOGRAFIE-BUND[2][5].

    The SZENOGRAFIE-BUND represents about 450 members, roughly half to a third of the freelance scenographers in Germany, thus playing a central role in the promotion and representation of these creative professional groups. Through its diverse activities and networks, the association makes an important contribution to the cultural and artistic landscape in Germany.
