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    from Nuremberg

    NürnbergMesse GmbH presents BIOFACH / VIVANESS, the world's largest trade fair for organic consumer goods. It promotes sustainable nutrition and natural cosmetics through exchange, knowledge transfer, and networking. A central meeting point for innovations and international partnerships.

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    BioFach: The World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Consumer Goods

    The BioFach is the largest and leading trade fair for organic consumer goods worldwide, held annually in February at the Nuremberg Exhibition Center. Since 1990, BioFach has served as a central meeting point for pioneers and newcomers in the organic and natural cosmetics industry.

    Key Products and Services

    BioFach presents a comprehensive range of products and topics, including:

    • Organic Food: Fresh products, frozen products, dry products such as cooking and baking, snacks and sweets, as well as beverages.
    • Natural Cosmetics: Skin care, body care, hair care, decorative cosmetics, special cosmetics, and drugstore items.
    • Non-Food: Innovative packaging concepts, technology and equipment, as well as media and service providers[1][3][5].

    Main Mission and Values

    BioFach stands for vibrant dialogue and exchange along the entire value chain. The fair combines emotional industry events with important business appointments and serves as a platform for networking, knowledge transfer, and further education. The focus is on promoting sustainable nutrition and cosmetic concepts and shaping a livable future for future generations[2][4][5].

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    BioFach is closely linked to the topic of sustainability. Here are some of the key initiatives:

    • Climate Protection and Resilience: The fair emphasizes the importance of ecological agriculture and food production in the fight against climate change.
    • Sustainable Packaging: Packaging trends in the sense of sustainability are a major topic at the fair.
    • International Standards: All exhibited organic products comply with strict standards and are certified according to the EU Organic Regulation or the international guidelines of IFOAM.
    • Global Networking: BioFach takes place not only in Nuremberg but also on four continents to promote global business opportunities and international partnerships[1][2][4].

    Congress and Knowledge Transfer

    BioFach is accompanied by an extensive congress that serves as an industry and knowledge forum. Numerous lectures, special areas, and networking events take place here, enabling the exchange and discussion of current topics and future trends in the organic and natural cosmetics industry[1][3].

    BioFach is more than just a trade fair – it is a vibrant marketplace of opportunities, a fair of ideas, inspiration, and enjoyment, paving the way for a more sustainable food system and a more natural cosmetics industry.
