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    beramí berufliche Integration e.V.

    from Frankfurt

    beramí berufliche Integration e.V. has been supporting people with migration and refugee experience, especially women, in their professional integration since 1990. With offerings such as counseling, language support, and mentoring, beramí berufliche Integration e.V. promotes diversity and social participation in a respectful and open culture.

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    beramí berufliche Integration e.V.

    About Us

    Since 1990, beramí e.V. has been supporting people with migration and refugee experience, especially women, in developing a professional perspective. Our commitment focuses on promoting professional and social participation, with openness and respect for each individual's cultural identity, as well as the recognition of individuality and diversity shaping our corporate culture.

    Key Products and Services

    • Career Counseling and Orientation: We assist in discovering skills and strengths, searching for jobs, training, and internships, as well as in creating application documents and communicating with authorities[3].
    • German Language Promotion and Courses: We offer comprehensive German courses and language support to facilitate entry into the German labor market.
    • Recognition of Foreign Qualifications: We help with the recognition of foreign educational qualifications and professional credentials.
    • Mentoring Programs: Programs like "Einsteigen, Umsteigen, Aufsteigen" provide mentoring for migrants to support their professional advancement[2][3].
    • Innovative Qualification Offers: We develop and offer innovative, labor market-oriented qualification programs, including digital basic skills and soft skills[3].

    Main Mission and Values

    Our mission is to support people with a migration background to enable them equal access to social and professional participation. We focus on recognizing and promoting diversity and individuality and work towards fostering an inclusive and diverse society. Our commitment is based on the values of openness, respect, and recognition of cultural identities.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    • Projects for Professional Integration: We conduct projects such as "ComIn 4.0" and "Brücke ins Büro 4.0," which are specifically tailored to the needs of refugee women and men. These projects include comprehensive information, career counseling, digital basic skills, and a protected framework for participants[3][5].
    • International Cooperation: We work on international projects, such as "AMiCo – Assessment of Migrants’ Competences in the Elderly Care," funded by the European Union, to develop self-assessment tools for care[2].
    • Social Participation: We promote social participation through events and projects focused on democracy, participation, and diversity, such as our participation in the German Diversity Day and Democracy Day[5].

    Current Activities

    • Training and Further Education: We regularly offer training and further education events, such as free short courses on email and Zoom usage[5].
    • Networking and Partnerships: We network with other organizations and institutions to strengthen our work and initiate new projects. Examples include our collaborations with the Crespo Foundation and the Women's Department of the City of Frankfurt[2][5].

    beramí e.V. is a pioneer in realizing projects that support migrants and makes positive and lasting contributions to a diverse society through its work.
