Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft (LWF)
editAbout Us
editThe Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft (LWF) is a central institution of the Free State of Bavaria dedicated to research, development, and knowledge transfer in the field of forestry and forest management. Based in Freising, Bavaria, the LWF works to support and optimize forest management in Bavaria.
Key Products and Services
Forest Environmental Monitoring: The LWF operates a comprehensive monitoring system consisting of 19 forest climate stations and 59 permanent soil observation sites. This also includes systematic crown condition assessments and periodic inventories to monitor the state of the forest and track long-term developments[3].
Forest Management and Sustainability: The LWF develops strategies to optimize forest management, including silvicultural treatment plans, recommendations for forest care and regeneration, as well as concepts for soil-conserving and efficient machine use. The goal is to improve the economic viability of forest operations and maintain forestry sustainability[3].
Pest Monitoring and Control: The LWF monitors and combats animal, plant, and fungal pests on forest trees to detect mass outbreaks in a timely manner and intervene with plant protection products if necessary[3].
Natura 2000 and Nature Conservation: The LWF technically manages Natura 2000 in forests to identify and protect valuable habitat types and species. This includes creating working aids and mapping guidelines, as well as advising and training mapping teams on-site[3].
Knowledge Transfer and Public Relations: The LWF conveys knowledge in an understandable way by answering citizen inquiries, producing target group-specific publications, and organizing training events. It makes important contributions to public relations, including specialist conferences, symposia, and exhibitions[3].
Main Mission and Values
editThe main mission of the LWF is to protect and sustainably manage the forests in Bavaria. This includes the care and promotion of site-specific forest communities, the preservation of typical forest habitats and their species, as well as ensuring the public welfare functions of the forest. The LWF advocates for a balance between the economic use of the forest and nature conservation to preserve Bavarian forest habitats and their species inventory even in times of climate change[2][3].
Sustainability Goals and Initiatives
Forest Nature Conservation: The LWF supports the preservation and restoration of natural forest habitats. About 15% of Bavaria's forests are protected under the European Habitats Directive. The LWF has published a practical guide to assist foresters, nature conservationists, and forest managers in recognizing, preserving, and restoring these valuable forests[2].
Climate Change: The LWF develops strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on forests. This includes research and measures to protect forests from the effects of climate change, such as drought and heat, as well as promoting adaptation strategies in forest management[2][3].
Wood Energy and Resource Conservation: Another focus is on research and consulting in the field of wood energy and the provision of wood chips to promote sustainable energy sources and use resources efficiently[3].
The Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft is thus a central player in the field of forestry and forest management in Bavaria, contributing through its diverse activities and initiatives to the sustainable management and protection of Bavaria's forests.
edit- 1 - https://www.bayernportal.de/dokumente/behoerde/57665213313
- 2 - https://www.forstwirtschaft-in-deutschland.de/aktuelles/news-detailansicht/news/waldnaturschutz-in-bayern-lwf-unterstuetzt-erhalt-typischer-waldlebensraeume-und-ihrer-arten/
- 3 - https://www.lwf.bayern.de/service/lwf/007785/index.php
- 4 - https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/doc/1437196/pwmp9kv4ogcjyoezcl5kadogz.lwf_a107_komplett.pdf
- 5 - https://www.lwf.bayern.de