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    AWO Soziale Dienste Rudolstadt gGmbH

    from Rudolstadt

    AWO Rudolstadt e.V. is a social service provider that has been offering children's and youth work as well as elderly care since 1990. With over 370 members and 30 employees, the association promotes SOLIDARITY, TOLERANCE, and SOCIAL INTEGRATION in the community through a variety of offerings and projects.

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    AWO Rudolstadt e.V. - A Description

    The AWO Rudolstadt e.V. is a social service provider that has been active since November 13, 1990. The association focuses on children's and youth work as well as elderly care and offers qualified support for all ages and social issues. With over 370 members and 30 employees, the association is an important part of the local community.

    Key Products and Services

    • Facilities: The AWO Rudolstadt operates the youth and family center in Rudolstadt-Schwarza, the youth center in Bad Blankenburg, meeting places such as "Markt 8" and "Kopernikusweg", as well as residential complexes in Rudolstadt and Sitzendorf.
    • Neighborhood Management: The association is the sponsor of neighborhood management projects in Scharza-Nord and the Schwarzatal.
    • Social Services: The AWO Social Services Rudolstadt gGmbH offers a variety of social activities that are supported by the association.

    Main Mission and Values

    The mission of the AWO Rudolstadt e.V. is to promote a humane and just society. The association is politically independent and is committed to the values of solidarity, tolerance, freedom, equality, and justice. The work has an integrative character and creates conditions for an accepted life in the community.

    Sustainability Goals and Initiatives

    The AWO Rudolstadt e.V. is committed to sustainable and future-oriented social work. By promoting self-help activities, providing access to social service offerings, and supporting people in need, the association contributes to social integration and participation. The AWO collaborates with other societal forces to tackle social challenges and develop innovative concepts.

    Value-Oriented Action

    The association promotes value-oriented action, cooperative interaction, and a partnership-based leadership style. This allows for a high degree of freedom to act and decision-making competence, which strengthens the motivation and willingness to perform of the employees. Through further education and qualifications, professional and personal competence is enhanced to ensure demand-oriented professional services.
