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    Aam Digital

    from Berlin
    Private Sector
    Digital & IT
    Industry Innovation & Infrastructure
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    Aam Digital is a social enterprise supporting organizations in the social sector to become more effective and transparent through digital beneficiary management. Our target groups range from local grassroot organizations, to iNGOs, foundations and donors with operations across the globe. Our users are running schools, sport clubs, mentorship programs and other projects. So far, most of these only use very basic digital tools - we aim to close this digital divide!

    Our clients use the Aam Digital platform to manage details of participants for their activities and for measuring their projects’ impact. For example, our app helps social workers and teachers in India to easily keep all relevant information about students’ development, attendance and health; And German NGOs use it to match and guide volunteer mentors and mentees. With our digital system, they can spend time working with people rather than doing paperwork.