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    2 Welding Technician Jobs Berlin

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    What do you do as a welding specialist?

    A welding technician is responsible for welding metal structures and other components. Tasks include planning and execution of welding work, checking welding seams for quality and safety, and documenting the work steps.

    Salary overview for welding technician jobs

    In Germany, a welding specialist can expect the following salaries:

    • Average annual salary: about 37,830 € to 39,520 €
    • Entry salary: starts at about 24.800 € to 32.175 €
    • Over the limit: can reach up to 49,570 €. Salaries may vary depending on region, professional experience and employer.

    Important skills for welding specialist jobs

    • Experts in welding (MAG, MIG, WIG)
    • Technical understanding
    • Precision work and craftsmanship
    • Security awareness
    • Teamwork
    • Problems solving skills
    • Ability to communicate

    What training is required for the job as a welding technician?

    The profession of welding technician usually requires a completed training as a metalworker, mechanic or in a similar field of work.

    Career opportunities as a welding specialist

    As a welding specialist, you have a variety of career opportunities, you can rise to senior positions, for example as a welding master or quality manager, and you can also train in special welding procedures or work in specific fields such as test technology.