Social scientists analyze social structures, behavioral patterns and interactions. They carry out research projects, evaluate data and compile reports on their findings. Their aim is to understand social phenomena and develop solutions to social problems. To this end, they often work in interdisciplinary teams and advise institutions, companies or the government on social issues.
The average salary in the field of social sciences in Germany is about €52,307 per year, which corresponds to a gross monthly salary of €4,359. The starting salary is €52,207 per year, which corresponds to a monthly salary of €4,351. With several years of professional experience, the average salary rises to €56,153 per year.
In various cities in Germany, salaries vary slightly. In Berlin, the average salary is €52,762 per year, while in smaller cities like Freising and Fürstenfeldbruck, the salary is about €52,207 per year.
Some sources indicate that the average salary for social scientists in Germany is €48,370 per year, with the starting salary at €35,102 and the upper limit at €63,025.
A career in social science usually requires a degree in social sciences, sociology, psychology or a related field. Many positions require a bachelor's degree, while more advanced positions often require a master's or doctorate. Practical experience through internships or research projects is also an advantage.
Social scientists have a wide range of career opportunities in various fields. They can work in research, at NGOs, in public administration or in business. Possible positions include head of research, policy analyst or consultant for social projects. An academic career is also an option, where you can work in research and teaching.
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