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    2 Safety Engineering Jobs Munich

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    What do you do in the field of safety technology?

    In security engineering, experts are involved in the planning, installation and maintenance of security systems, which can include alarm systems, video surveillance or access controls.

    Salary overview for safety engineering jobs

    For specific areas, the average annual salary is about €46,681, which corresponds to a monthly gross salary of €3,890. Salaries can vary depending on specialization and size of the company between €38,400 and €55,225 per year. For specific areas, the average annual salary is as follows: Work safety: €51,918, safety management: €57,775, machine safety: €55,28, operational safety: €47,05 and measures: €48,037. Some sources report an average annual salary of €57,293 with a range of €29,29,225 to €85.756.

    Skills important for safety engineering jobs

    • Technical understanding
    • Problems solving skills
    • Ability to communicate
    • Attention to detail
    • Knowledge in electrical engineering
    • Experience with security systems
    • Teamwork

    What training is required for safety engineering jobs?

    A career in safety engineering usually requires a completed training in electrical engineering or a comparable technical training, and special qualifications in safety engineering are often an advantage.

    Career opportunities in security technology

    There are many career opportunities in the field of safety engineering. Professionals can specialize in various systems, take on leadership positions or switch to consulting and project planning. Additional certifications can further improve professional perspectives.