Port workers are responsible for a wide range of tasks in and around the port, including loading and unloading ships, moving cargo and containers, and ensuring the smooth running of logistics processes. Port workers often work in shifts, as port operations run around the clock, and must be able to work both in a team and on their own.
In Germany, salaries in the field of port jobs vary depending on the specific profession and location. The port logistics specialist earns on average 45,000 euros per year. The salary is between 35,700 euros and 52,500 euros. A port worker receives on average 2,502 euros per month, whereas salaries can vary depending on training and location between 2,185 euros and 3,401 euros. For example, in Hamburg one earns 8,780 euros and in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg 2,553 euros.
Many port jobs require training in logistics or specific training in port services, and in some cases a simple on-the-job training may also be sufficient.
In addition to port workers, there are opportunities to work in logistics planning, business management or specialised technical professions.
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