In the field of object surveillance, specialists are responsible for monitoring various objects, such as buildings or terrain, for their safety. They carry out regular checks, check safety precautions and ensure that potential hazards are detected and minimized early. This includes documenting incidents and cooperating with security services or the police.
In Germany, the average salary for employees in the field of property supervision is about 54,437 euros per year, which corresponds to a monthly gross salary of increasingly 4.36 euros. With increasing professional experience and when taking on leadership positions, the salary can increase significantly; for example, a construction manager can earn an average of 65.690 euros per year. Regional differences are also relevant, e.g. the average salary in Berlin is about 58.648 euros per year.
A career in object surveillance usually requires completed training in the field of security, such as training as a security guard or a comparable qualification.
After a few years of professional experience, specialists can take on leadership positions, for example as team leaders of the security forces or as security officers.
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