Landscape care is about preserving, shaping and developing natural and cultivated landscapes. Landscape care workers often work at the interface between nature and humans and are responsible for the care of green spaces, roads and waterways. Their tasks may include planting, caring for trees and shrubs, as well as carrying out landscape protection measures.
In the field of landscaping, salaries vary according to occupation and qualification.
For a career in landscaping, training in horticulture, landscaping or environmental protection is often required. In many cases, vocational training as a gardener or landscaper is also sought. Further training opportunities are diverse and can include special training in nature conservation, organic farming and similar topics.
Landscape care offers numerous career opportunities, ranging from practical activities to leadership positions. With the right experience, landscape care workers can work in planning offices, at authorities or in nature conservation associations. There is also the possibility of becoming self-employed and offering their own services in the field of landscape design and care.