In the field of youth jobs, young people work in various occupations, often in the context of internships, temporary jobs or part-time jobs. These jobs offer the opportunity to gain first professional experience, take responsibility and achieve financial independence. Youth jobs are often found in the fields of gastronomy, retail, event organization and similar industries.
In Germany, young people under the age of 18 can usually not expect a statutory minimum wage in holiday jobs. The statutory minimum wage of 12.41 euro per hour applies only from the age of 18. Holiday jobs are often designed to pay below the minimum wage limit of 538 euro per month in order to avoid social security consequences.
Many youth jobs do not require specific training, as they are often intended as entry opportunities for pupils or students, but first experiences in the desired areas can be an advantage.
Youth jobs can be a great way to make professional contacts and develop skills. Many young people use these jobs to strengthen their resume or to prepare for later full-time employment. In general, youth jobs can promote entry into a long-term career in various industries.
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