In the field of image processing, one deals with the processing, retouching and improvement of images, including the use of various software tools to optimize colors, contrasts and textures, as well as the removal of impurities or disturbing elements from photos.
In Germany, the average monthly salary for image processors is about €2.219 and the salary range is from €1.747 in Berlin to €3.167 in Munich. Further regional differences show that in North Rhine-Westphalia the salary varies between €1.873 and €2.640 per month. The values for the lower quartile are at €3.050 and for the upper quartile at €3.710 per month.
A job in image processing usually requires training in graphic design, media design or photography. Many image processors have also completed special training or certificates in the use of image processing software. Practical experience, whether through internships or own projects, also plays a decisive role.
Career opportunities in image processing are diverse, working in advertising and marketing agencies, photography, publishing, or the film and television production industry. As skills develop and possibly specialize in certain areas of image processing, higher positions such as senior image processor or art director are also available.
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