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    61 Family Support Jobs

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    What do you do as a family helper?

    Family helpers support families in difficult situations, offer practical help in everyday life, accompany families in overcoming challenges and often work closely with social services.

    Salary overview for family support

    In Germany, the average annual salary for family support is about 29,270 euros, the starting salary is about 19,150 euros per year, while the salary ceiling is about 39,920 euros per year. Regional differences must be taken into account, so the average salary in Hamburg, for example, is 33,658 euros per year. The average monthly salary is about 3,300 euros gross, with a monthly salary range of between 2,800 and 3,800 euros gross per month.

    Skills important for family help jobs

    • The empathy.
    • Ability to communicate
    • Conflict resolution competence
    • He's an organizer.
    • Teamwork
    • Resilience
    • expertise in the social field

    What training is needed for the job in family support?

    For a job in family support, an education in the social field is often an advantage, such as as a teacher, social worker or a comparable qualification. Practical experience in working with families is also important to succeed in this field.

    Career opportunities in family support

    With the right experience and further qualifications, family carers can take up more responsible positions, e.g. in project management or in professional counselling.