In the field of event technology, technical systems for events and events are planned, installed and maintained, including lighting, sound and audiovisual media technology. The task includes both the technical implementation and the coordination of processes during events to ensure a smooth course.
In Germany, the salary for an event technician can vary depending on experience, region and specific workplace. The average annual salary is 35,900 €, which corresponds to a monthly salary of about 2,992 €. The salary range ranges from 30,100 € to 43,400 € per year. Regional differences are also to be considered: In Bavaria, one earns about 29,500 € per year, while in Hessen, Berlin and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern the salary is between 26,200 € and 27,500 € per year.
A career in event engineering usually requires training as an event engineer or a comparable qualification, which provides the necessary technical knowledge and skills necessary to implement successful events.
There are various career opportunities in event technology, ranging from the position of event technician to technical manager to project manager for large events. There is also the option to become self-employed or work in specialized companies.
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