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    83 Electronics for Devices and Systems Jobs

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    What do you do as an electronics engineer for devices and systems?

    As an electronics engineer for devices and systems, you plan, install and maintain electronic systems as well as devices and perform error analyses. You work in various industries, from automation to medical technology, and make sure that the systems work efficiently and reliably.

    Salary overview for electronics for equipment and systems

    In Germany, the following salaries can be expected as an electronics technician for devices and systems:

    • training allowance:
    • In the first year of training: about 1.018 euros per month
    • In the second year of training: about 1.079 euros per month
    • In the third year of training: about 1.152 euros per month
    • In the fourth year of training: about 1,223 euros per month.
    • Initial salary after training:
    • On average about €2,650 per month (about €31,800 a year).
    • In the metal industry, the starting salary is between 2.000 and 2.600 Euro per month.
    • Average salary after a few years of professional experience:
    • On average about €35,100 a year (about €2,925 a month).
    • With further professional experience and specialization, salaries of up to €40,700 per year are possible.
    • Some sources give an average salary of about €37,000 per year, with a range of €24,000 to €56,900 per year.

    Important skills for electronics for devices and systems

    • Expert knowledge in electrical engineering
    • Knowledge of programming
    • Experience with planning software
    • Ability to diagnose errors
    • Teamwork and communication skills
    • Precision and detail accuracy
    • Willingness to continue training

    What training is required for the job of electronics technician for devices and systems?

    To become an electronics engineer for devices and systems, a degree in electrical engineering or a related field is usually required.

    Career opportunities as an electronics technician for devices and systems

    As an electronics engineer for devices and systems, you have a wide range of career opportunities, you can specialize in certain industries, pursue leadership positions, or further your education in research and development, and you can start your own company or work in engineering.