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    1 Cosmetic Jobs Munich

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    What do you do as a beautician?

    Cosmetologists are professionals who specialize in human beauty care. They offer a variety of services, including facial treatments, waxing, manicures, pedicures, and makeup applications. Cosmetologists also advise their customers on skin care and help them find products that are suitable for their skin type.

    Salary overview for cosmetics jobs

    In Germany, the salary for cosmeticists can vary depending on various factors.

    • Average salary : A beautician or a beautician in Germany can expect an average salary of about 2.000 to 2.200 euros gross per month, which corresponds to an annual salary of 24.000 to 26.400 euros.
    • Entry salary: The average entry salary is about 1.660 to 1.720 euros gross per month, which corresponds to an annual salary of 19.920 to 20.640 euros.
    • Salary according to professional experience: With increasing professional experience, you can expect about 2.120 euros gross per month after five years, and after ten years or more with about 2.200 euros gross per month.
    • Regional differences: In West German states such as Hamburg, Hesse and Bavaria, salaries tend to be higher than in East German states.
    • Maximum salary: The salary ceiling can be around 35.000 to 40.000 euros per year, especially if you are self-employed or have specialised qualifications.

    Important skills for cosmetics jobs

    • Knowledge of skin care
    • experience in make-up techniques
    • Customer consulting competence
    • Understanding hygiene
    • Teamwork
    • Creativity, you know.
    • time management

    What training is needed for cosmetics jobs?

    Most cosmetics jobs require a completed training as a cosmeticist, which can be acquired in a specialized school or in conjunction with an internship in a salon.

    Career opportunities in the cosmetics sector

    There are many career opportunities in the field of cosmetics. After training, cosmetologists can work in salons, spas or retail stores. In addition, there is the possibility of becoming self-employed as a self-employed cosmetologist or makeup artist. Further training in specialized fields or in the management of cosmetics salons can also lead to higher positions.