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    Förderverein der sächsischen Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus eV header
    Förderverein der sächsischen Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus eV logo

    Förderverein der sächsischen Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus eV

    aus Leipzig
    sLAG is a historical-political network of associations, initiatives, history workshops, projects, and individuals working with different approaches and thematic focuses on NS history. The organization is committed to establishing a diverse, publicly perceptible, vibrant culture of remembrance and commemoration in Saxony and promotes critical engagement with the ideology and rule of the NS regime. Their work is based on respect for all people persecuted and murdered by the NS regime and the appreciation of diversity and complexity in remembrance and educational work. Additionally, sLAG is an organization that deals with the research and preservation of the archaeological heritage in Saxony. They work closely with other institutions and experts to preserve and research the history and culture of their region. Their goal is to sharpen awareness of the importance of archaeology and inform the public about their work.
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