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    Bildungswerk Sachsen der Deutschen Gesellschaft e.V.

    aus Leipzig
    Bildungswerk Sachsen der Deutschen Gesellschaft e.V. is an independent educational institution that has been operating for over 25 years. The organization focuses on promoting the inner unity of Germany, European integration, and good neighborly relations with Poland and the Czech Republic. It also aims to strengthen democracy through non-partisan political education. The organization has become known for its study trips to Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East. It also conducts numerous workshops, parliamentary seminars, contemporary witness talks, and political and cultural study trips. The organization faced significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it quickly adapted by developing new digital educational formats. The organization is committed to inspiring people for greater democratic participation and European cooperation.
    Bildung, Demokratie & Öffentliche Güter
    Hochwertige Bildung, Frieden, Gerechtigkeit & starke Institutionen
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